Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Eureka Youth Sports League?

Eureka Youth Sports League is a non-profit 501(c)(3) group dedicated to sports and the youth of Eureka and surrounding areas.

How much will this increase my taxes?

Zero. This isn't a government funded park. This park is being built by a non-profit with  grants and donations from business and residents alike. Maintenance will be funded in a similar manner and from fees from organized sports.

Where is the park?

The school has leased a 20 acre parcel to the county who has agreed to let us build a park. The property is on the North end of town behind WBC.



How can I Help?

We need people to volunteer to help with the construction of the park, especially the hockey rink as well as planning and maintenance.  We need people to help with the planning of the biking and running trails, the layout of the soccer fields and more.  If you are interested in helping, please contact us.  If you can help with the building or have other questions, contact us at 406-291-8622 or

Are you taking donations?

Of course! This is a park that will be by the community and for the community. Donations can be made at Lancaster and Company located at 101 Riverside Drive (Hwy 93 up the hill from the historical village) or at the offices of Jeremy Cook CPA at 154 14th St. (across from the Post Office).  Checks can be made out to the non-profit Eureka Youth Sports League (EYSL).  You can mail checks to PO Box 1612 Eureka, MT 59917.  We will also set up a Go Fund Me page soon but keep in mind that they charge 2.9% so large donations are better made by check.

Is this a city, county, community or private park?

This is a community park.